Central Indiana Skywarn repeaters

Central Indiana Skywarn Net linked repeater system

Click on the map for a larger image.

146.970MHz -600kHz pl 77.0 W9ICE
442.650MHz +5MHz pl 77.0 KM9E

Frankfort -- temporarily out of service
147.045MHz +600kHz pl 173.8 W9SMJ

Russiaville (near Kokomo) -- temporarily out of service
442.525 +5MHz pl 131.8 W9SMJ

Scipio (near North Vernon)
442.975MHz +5MHz pl 103.5 KC9TME

Terre Haute
444.350MHz +5MHz NC9U

Central Indiana Skywarn and the ICE Repeater System

To all amateur radio and Skywarn Spotters.

There will be no changes to the Central Indiana Skywarn System for the foreseeable future. We will continue to conduct Skywarn Operations on the ICE Repeater System 146.970 & 442.650. Any rumors to the contrary are just rumors. Continue to monitor this site for future updates.

If you have any further questions, use the Contact form to ask.

Weather Spotter Training

Indianapolis National Weather Service Forecast Office – Spotter Information Page – http://www.weather.gov/ind/spotter
NWS Weather Spotter’s Field Guide – https://www.weather.gov/media/bis/Weather_Spotter_Field_Guide.pdf
2023 NWS IND Spotter Talk presentation - https://www.weather.gov/media/ind/spottertraining/spotter_2023.pdf


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