Submitted by siteadmin on Tue, 02/18/2025 - 09:18
Central Indiana Skywarn Net linked repeater system
Click on the map for a larger image.
146.970MHz -600kHz pl 77.0 W9ICE
442.650MHz +5MHz pl 77.0 KM9E
Frankfort -- temporarily out of service
147.045MHz +600kHz pl 173.8 W9SMJ
Russiaville (near Kokomo) -- temporarily out of service
442.525 +5MHz pl 131.8 W9SMJ
Scipio (near North Vernon)
442.975MHz +5MHz pl 103.5 KC9TME
Terre Haute
444.350MHz +5MHz NC9U
Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 22:01
SKYWARN is open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in protecting the public from the effects of severe weather. It matters not what organization you belong to, your age, your family situation, or your physical abilities. All that is required is that you attend regularly scheduled SKYWARN spotter training instructed by the National Weather Service. As far as amateur radio operators are concerned, the same guidelines apply. It makes no difference if you are a member of RACES, ARES, or the local amateur radio club.
Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:59
The Central Indiana SKYWARN Severe Weather Network is activated solely at the request of the Indianapolis NWS Office. Their request for spotter activation is based on information gathered from the Storm Prediction Center as well as local input from the Indianapolis NWS staff. The near real time information spotters provide is an essential piece of the total flow of information the NWS uses to determine whether a severe weather warning is issued. It is vital that the SKYWARN program strive to continuously improve the delivery of information to the NWS.
Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:56
Our customer is the Indianapolis Office of the National Weather Service and our mission is to protect the lives and property of Hoosiers.
Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:50
The SKYWARN program in Central Indiana has been active for many years. The basic core values have changed very little during that period.
Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 20:52
Thanks for taking this opportunity to stop by our web site.
Since you may be wondering what the Central Indiana SKYWARN Association, Inc., is all about, the following pages discuss who we are, what we do, and the level of dedication needed for the advancement of the SKYWARN program.
Mark Shaffer, N9GDR
Central Indiana SKYWARN Association, Inc.